COVID-19 and return to work webinars and events

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
WEBINAR RECORDING: Creating a new playbook for talent acquisition
COVID-19 has required a rethinking of talent acquisition. The function once just termed "recruiting" has assumed multiple new dimensions in this crisis that will carry forward into the post-pandemic world. In this webcast with human capital author and futurist Alexandra Levit, you’ll learn how to align your talent acquisition strategy with your business' priorities and employee lifecycle.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Global payroll consolidation: Transforming international operations
With a traditional approach, managing payroll at a global scale can be an incredibly time-consuming and complex process. In today’s rapidly changing environment, managing a diverse number of wage types and ensuring compliance with everchanging regulations and tax laws is critical for the financial viability of your organization.
Today it’s possible to have a truly global picture of your payroll activity in real time - whether you choose to drill down to a regional, country, or global level allowing you and your executive team to have unprecedented visibility of your operations, inform better decision making, and allocate scarce resources to delivering new products and services to the market.
WEBINAR RECORDING: A guide to building the ultimate business continuity plan
You can’t predict the next crisis, but you can prepare for it. But where do you begin? As organizations prepare themselves for a return to work, there are new considerations, new expectations and new pressure on HR pros.
Join us for a conversation with Ceridian’s VP Enterprise Risk Management, Rick Good to walk through how to set up a framework to work with, how to build it and who to partner with in your organization to lift your program off the ground.
WEBINAR RECORDING: The case for global workforce management and pay
Join this webinar to learn how global manufacturers can benefit from centralized control of workforce management and payroll functions, and why investing in the right technology is important – now more than ever.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Building a path forward: When traditional payroll met the pandemic
COVID-19’s impact on economies, companies, and their employees has been profound and has undoubtedly impacted your firm’s HR group – payroll in particular – in material ways. Join author and HR technology industry analyst Brian Sommer as he walks through the pain payroll organizations continue to experience, discusses how old technology and processes failed to scale, and explores what the path forward looks like for payroll professionals.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Adapting payroll to the next normal: The end of the conventional pay period
As past norms clash with today’s reality, organizations are realizing the traditional approach to payroll is broken and the rigidity of conventional systems increases their exposure to risk. Today, there are more rules and regulations being created than ever before, economic conditions are putting unprecedented financial stress on organizations and those living paycheck-to-paycheck, and the downstream cost of a payroll error to both the business and the employee has never been greater.
WEBINAR RECORDING: The path to economic recovery: What business leaders need to know
In this webinar, Goldman Sachs’ Chief US Economist David Mericle and Senior Global and Canada Economist Daan Struvyen will discuss how the US, Canada and global economy could recover from the effects of COVID-19, guidance for business leaders on what to expect over the next 18 months, and how they can prepare their organizations to weather similar disruptions in the future.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Retail’s Cautious Restart: How COVID-19 Will Choose Retail Winners & Losers
Hosted by IHL Group
In this webinar, a panel of retail experts considered how retail & hospitality operators approach the reopening of stores and restaurants. What does the next normal look like? Hear from Greg Buzek, President of the IHL Consulting Group as he provides an economic update on North America’s retail industry with focus on talent challenges and the competing stimulus plan. Ceridian’s SVP of Retail John Orr will discuss the shift in work and workers and how that will impact re-boarding and on-boarding. Learn about the rise of associate engagement and what will be required going forward to attract and retain talent.
Watch the webinar for a unique perspective on retail's recovery in unprecedented times.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Your post-COVID talent strategy demystified
Human capital futurist and international bestselling author of Humanity Works Alexandra Levit shares how leading organizations are implementing effective strategies to develop a holistic talent strategy that balances multi-channel acquisition and development. She’ll touch on the concepts of rapidly assembling swarm teams using shared talent pools, building a learning-based employee experience, reskilling and upskilling existing staff, and fostering the agile culture required to make it all happen as seamlessly as possible.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Helping your workforce thrive when uncertainty is the new normal
We hosted a webinar back in March with tips to help organizations prepare and support their workforces as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold. Now that the initial adjustment period is over, organizations and their workers are facing a new set of challenges – and opportunities – as they begin to look forward to the future.
Join Jarrett Jedlicka, Vice President & Principal, Industry Advisory – Healthcare at Ceridian, in this follow-up webinar to hear how companies can build stronger, more resilient workforces to thrive under uncertainty, right now and in the future.
WEBINAR RECORDING: COVID-19 labor issues: Canada and U.S. perspectives
With the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the United States and Canada have responded with temporary paid and unpaid leave (employee and parental) requirements, job sharing and other job protection measures, and employer credits or subsidies when offering paid leave. As we look to the future workplace, payroll departments must be prepared.
In this webinar, presenters from the Canadian Payroll Association, Canada Employment Insurance Commission, American Payroll Association, and U.S. Department of Labor will share their insights on relief efforts, explaining the different roles of national and local governments, employer response to legislation, considerations for employees returning to work, and payroll impacts.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Lessons of the pandemic: Building organizational resilience
This pandemic has demonstrated just how brittle our society is. A tiny virus has drastically upset our lives, our economies, and our societies. In a time like this, resilience, the ability to adapt and bounce back, will be one of the most important characteristics that will help us recover.
But how do we design our organizations for resilience?
In this presentation, Josh Bersin discusses the four key factors in building organizational resilience and workforce agility: distributed control, real-time data, empathetic leaders, and a cohesive workplace culture. His presentation includes anecdotes and examples from the many conversations he’s had with global HR leaders as they grapple with current challenges and plan for the weeks and months ahead.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Managing U.S. compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic
Managing employer compliance with U.S. legislative requirements is becoming increasingly difficult amid the COVID-19 pandemic as ongoing changes are made by government organizations.
To help you stay on top of it all, Ceridian has partnered with Fisher Phillips’ labor and employment law experts Andria Ryan and Hagood Tighe, to bring you the latest changes to employer-related legislative issues.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Using Dayforce to manage through COVID-19 and beyond
In a few short weeks, employers across the globe have dramatically changed their HR and business practices in response to COVID-19. Over that time, we’ve heard from many Ceridian customers about the innovative ways they’re using Dayforce to adjust to this new world of work. Whether it’s tracking employees’ health, reallocating resources, or ensuring they’re effectively communicating with and engaging their employees, Ceridian customers are demonstrating innovation, resourcefulness, and resilience in light of a large global crisis.
In this webinar, you’ll hear from HR and business continuity leaders at Buehler’s Fresh Foods, Danone North America, and Ceridian on how they’re using Dayforce to manage through this change.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Connecting the Dots for Retail and Hospitality: Legal and Safety Ramifications of COVID-19
With Stephen Barth, attorney and professor specializing in hospitality law and leadership, and founder of
As the Coronavirus continues to impact the United States, retail and hospitality operators are mindful of its legal and safety implications. But how do you prepare? Join Ceridian’s John Orr, SVP Retail, and a panel of legal and safety thought leaders for an interactive, deep-dive discussion on steps you can take to more effectively manage the potential impact of the virus on your employees, customers, and business premises.
WEBINAR RECORDING: The layoff alternative: How shared sacrifice can save your business (and your culture)
In a span of mere weeks, organizations around the globe are facing difficult decisions, even layoffs as an instantaneous way to cut costs. What if there was a better way? Watch this webinar to hear Ceridian’s Danny Smith, VP Industry Advisory – Manufacturing along with Matt Whiat, Co-Founding Partner and Sara Hannah, Managing Partner at Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute, as they discuss how shared sacrifice allows you to retain your top talent, maintain customer service, preserve industry knowledge and recover faster. Learn alternatives to cutting jobs and how shared sacrifice could help your organization.
WEBINAR RECORDING: COVID-19: Mental Health Implications
Watch as Leagh Turner, President and Chief Operating Officer of Ceridian, moderates an expert panel to discuss the mental health implications of COVID-19. The panel explored how the fluidity of news, "social distancing," stress and uncertainty, lay-offs, the sudden move to both working and studying remotely are impacting workplaces, households, and individuals. Get tips about how organizations can support employees’ mental health, productivity, and team dynamics.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Planning and Preparing for Emerging Workplace Issues Post COVID-19
The last few weeks has been anything but “business as usual” for companies across the globe. Watch this recorded webinar to hear from behavioral health expert Barbara Veder as she describes the stages that employees and organizations will go through in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. She covers how to help employees and managers cope, predictions for what a new “status quo” will look like, and guidance for how to prepare. With a good understanding of the potential challenges and a plan for managing through them, your organization can not only survive through this challenging time, but thrive.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Leveraging Dayforce to support and engage your workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic
During challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations need to help ensure the safety of their employees while maintaining critical business operations. Dayforce can help employers better understand risk to their employees and operations, as well as help to maintain fast and accurate communication with employees. Learn how you can maximize the use of Dayforce during this critical time with new functionality that will specifically help monitor the safety of your employees during the COVID-19 outbreak.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Ceridian’s COVID-19 Business Continuity Response
Many Ceridian customers are asking what Ceridian is doing from a business continuity management perspective to ensure we are able to continue to support our customers through challenging times like what we’re seeing unfold with COVID-19.
In this webinar, Ceridian’s Chairman and CEO, David Ossip, as well as our Business Continuity team provided insight into our business continuity plans and practices that are already in place, and answered your questions around what Ceridian is doing to ensure continuity of critical business processes.
WEBINAR RECORDING: Effectively engaging and caring for your workforce during a crisis
Hear from Jarrett Jedlicka, Vice President & Principal, Industry Advisory – Healthcare at Ceridian, as he explores how organizations can support employee wellness and engagement during times of crisis.
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