Operations Insights
Quick Read
March 27, 2020

Essential resources for manufacturers during COVID-19

In times of crisis, keeping essential operations running in the industrial sector is critical to society. Adam Aguzzi, VP Manufacturing, Value Advisory at Ceridian, has curated a list of key resources to help manufacturers support business continuity and the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Table of Contents

In a crisis situation like we’re facing right now with the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturers have an important role to play. Society depends on our ability to continue providing food, medical supplies, and other critical goods to support our communities and healthcare workers.

To help manufacturing leaders and HR teams navigate the complexities of our current situation, I’ve gathered some key resources together into a quick reference post below:

Plant, Field and Supply Chain Operations

The U.S. National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has an excellent COVID-19 Resources summary with links to many different resources. The Employee Health and Safety section is especially useful for providing recommendations for safe operations, with links to pertinent sites from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP)/Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The NAM resource also has links to the Whitehouse COVID response site, NAM policy recommendations, state-specific sites, and disaster loan assistance for small businesses. This is a very comprehensive site worth bookmarking.

Also of use:

For UK resources specific to manufacturing:

For Canadian resources specific to manufacturing:


Bob Chapman, CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, is famous for his leadership philosophies. In fact, during the 2008 financial crisis he didn’t lay off any employees. Bob is an in-demand speaker and blogger. He also co-founded a leadership institute to share the best practices of decades of running a company with others. It has particularly useful advice on leading through a crisis, including practical tools and suggestions, as well as crisis communication templates to help you put the suggestions from the site in place at your own organization.

Human Capital Management

Ceridian has its own COVID-19 Central site, which has great information on a number of crisis management and workforce topics from our thought leaders. Here are a few that are particularly helpful at the moment:

Finally, you can take advantage of your HCM system to help. Here are some suggestions:

  • Redesign shifts so there is NO OVERLAP of start and end times – this will help with social distancing between shifts and allow for increased cleaning
  • Schedule regular cleaning operations between and during shifts at breaks
  • Explore and move to limited/touchless punches (e.g. via a mobile app)
  • Leverage HCM communications capabilities when workers don’t have company email addresses
  • Embed “safety moments” that outline safe operations through your learning management tools

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