Integration studio

Make Dayforce integrations easy

Get access to your Dayforce data with fast, flexible integrations in Integration Studio.
A gentleman working on a laptop while seating on a sofa


Your in-product integration solution

Don’t let poorly connected systems get in the way of your productivity. With Integration Studio built right into Dayforce, you can assemble integrations to smoothly connect Dayforce with other systems – making the process faster, easier, and less costly.

Get access to your payroll and HR data when and how you want – plus easily share it across other systems.

Empower your people to create integrations using a pre-built connector or customizing their own in a low-code setting.

Deploy integrations quickly and efficiently with an easy-to-use, in-product solution that leverages the power of the public cloud.

Screenshot of Dayforce Integration studio web page


Accelerate your digital transformation with Integration Studio

Reduce the time it takes to implement your required integrations and take full advantage of your critical HR and payroll data.
Two office employees in a discussion while looking at tablet screen
Centralised data

Get visibility into data moving in and out of Dayforce all in one place. Easily build and manage integrations with control over your data movement.

Secure and auditable

Benefit from the Dayforce platform’s security and controls and track changes with auditable data.

Event-driven flexibility

Get more flexibility with access to APIs and event-driven services. Integration Studio enables modern, workflow-driven integrations for your organization.

Ready to get started?

See the Dayforce Privacy Policy for more details.

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