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April 19, 2023

HCM technology implementation: The first 100 days are critical for success

What should organisations do to ensure that the time and money invested in an HCM technology implementation are well spent? Ceridian’s partner Silver Cloud takes us through those critical first 100 days after go-live.

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You presented your case for change, engaged your stakeholders, and painstakingly selected a new HCM system. You mapped all your processes and navigated the HCM technology implementation process before finally going live with your shiny, new people solution.

Job done? Not quite.

The success of any implementation project can’t be measured simply by going live on time and on budget. User adoption, or lack thereof, can make or break a digital transformation project. But with proper planning and the right support, the transition to a modern, adaptable HR solution can be seamless.

Below are some of the key initiatives you should consider to maximise user adoption and set up your HCM technology implementation for long-term success.


When planning for digital HR transformation, we advise organisations to focus on four key areas: change management, communications management, knowledge management, and business readiness. 

Alongside your core implementation team of project sponsors, project managers, subject matter experts, administrators, and data specialists, your core team should include a dedicated change lead responsible for managing people and communications throughout the transformation journey. They can advise on and execute the activities that will help ensure buy-in of all your stakeholders and advocate for your new system.

Training schedule

Getting the organisation ready for the new solution is essential, and timely training is a big part of being prepared.

Create a training schedule with several sessions on the new system to ensure that all stakeholders can attend. You could opt for a train-as-you-implement type of training, with key people on the project team learning throughout the implementation.

This approach will ensure some transfer of technical knowledge and help upskill the rest of your workforce.

Launch communications

Schedule a launch email to go out ahead of the go-live, detailing login information, who will support the transition, and how to get help. Include a library of cheat sheets and training videos, ensuring these resources are available in a central location that all users can easily access.

Be sure to announce (and re-announce) their availability. Following go-live, you can repurpose the information within your launch email in additional emails to get more eyes on your communications.

A complete buyer's guide to HCM technology

Learn about key differentiators, must-have system features, and what to look for in an HCM partner during the evaluation process.

Read the guide

Super-user support

Consider creating a roster of super users who will be the main points of contact for answering questions about your new HCM technology. The goal is to resolve any inquiries quickly to maximise adoption.

One strategy that often works well is what we like to call “floorwalkers” – a handful of super users/change champions who go around the office and advocate for the system. The aim is to introduce themselves and encourage new users to get started with the new system on day one. They would also be the go-to people for support for the first 100 days.

This can easily be replicated for remote or hybrid workers via Teams or Zoom.

Regular touchpoints

Regular communication is crucial for maintaining the success of your new HR system. Send weekly updates on frequently asked questions, spotlight relevant training videos and cheat sheets, and encourage the team to share their wins.

It’s also important to check in regularly with employees, as fear can play a significant role in failure to adopt a new system. Reiterate that the new HCM system is meant to optimise their workplace experiences and improve work-life balance.

Managing expectations

During and following an HCM technology implementation, it’s unrealistic to assume that everything will go according to plan. Things will go wrong, engagement activities and training will lack participation, and there will be negative feedback on the new system and hesitance to adopt it. Resistance to change is simply human nature. Anticipation is the best preparation. Be transparent and address these fears head-on by acknowledging that there may be some glitches in the new system as it gets up and running.

Create an employee survey to gather questions on the new system as well as feedback on ease of use. Act on the feedback you receive so you can resolve those issues. Communicate the results of the survey, and update with any follow-up actions you’ll take to fix any glitches.

Regardless the size and scale of your organisation and project, a good aftercare system lasts at least three months following go-live of your HCM technology. These first 100 days are a critical time within any implementation project and can mean the difference between digital transformation that lasts and one that’s short lived.  

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