
The great balancing act: Research-based tips for keeping performance high and people happy

Session highlights include:

How your organization compares to others in navigating today’s great balancing act

What motivates today’s workers and drives their loyalty, productivity, and performance

Steps you can take to simultaneously boost business performance and employee engagement

Today’s employers are caught in a balancing act between employee flexibility and compliance, empathy and efficiency, and worker expectations and budget realities. And organizational performance depends on their ability to walk this fine line.   

Yet workers from around the globe report big imbalances in their workplaces – and there are consequences for employers. Over 80% of respondents said they experienced burnout in the past year, according to Dayforce’s 14th Annual Pulse of Talent survey. And despite growing uncertainty in the job market, flight risk remains high at 69%.  

Watch a panel of HR experts for an informative discussion of the key survey findings and discover tips to build trust, inspire loyalty, and drive higher performance in your organization. 

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